This week, Rita found out that Dexter kept his bachelor pad, home of all his serial killer implements and the blood samples of all his dearly departed victims. She simmers with pent up anger throughout the episode, while Dexter keeps delaying "the talk".
But Dexter has important things to do! Convinced that Trinity, not the Vacation Murderer, is responsible for Deb's wounding, Dexter strikes out to find him. After stealing Lundy's tape recordings of all his observations about Trinity, Dexter pinpoints the location of his next kill. Although Dexter makes it in time to positively ID Trinity, he doesn't save the final victim. After following Trinity through Miami, expecting to find him holed up in some scummy motel, all alone, it turns out that Trinity makes him home in a nice, suburban area of Miami, and has a wife and two teenage children. In fact, Trinity is just like Dexter! Lundy and Dex were wrong to think he was a lone wolf, someone who shies away from human interaction. What else could he be wrong about?
Rita and Dexter finally have the talk, after Rita breaks into the apartment and is found staring at Dexter's footlocker of serial killing. Dexter relents, showing her what's inside. Turns out he's the proud owner of some kind of shotgun, and his cover story is that he didn't want it in the house with the kids, so elected to pay rent on an exorbitant secret apartment, rather than tell her he was a proud supporter of his Second Amendment rights? Yeah, Rita didn't buy that explanation either. She said that he should probably sleep there tonight, and there was a lot of work to be done if the marriage was going to work.
After last week's revelation that Dexter cherishes his family, it seems doubtful that he'll just dump them and move on, but that will mean that Rita will continue to probe into his life, trying to uncover all his secrets in a misguided quest for intimacy. What about the theory that secrets keep a marriage alive and exciting, Rita? Oh well, we'll see just how much Dexter can get away with revealing to keep Rita happy before delving into the real stuff. Rita clearly has a sense that Dexter is a liar, so how much can she really trust him? Will it ever be enough for her, or will she always know he's hiding something monumental?
Moving forward, Deb has rapidly become a very intriguing character. Still feeling responsible for Lundy's death, will she take up his serial killing mantle? Will she discover her own brother's dark secrets by becoming more and more familiar with the underworld of killers? I've always liked Deb, and I'm glad to see that she'll have more to do than go from guy to guy and curse like a sailor - although that's fun to watch too.
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